The Kenya Parliamentary Caucus on Sustainable Development Goals and Business is an Association of Parliamentarians convened at the beginning of the 12th parliament pursuant to Parliament Standing order 259, with the purpose of promoting Sustainable Development and Responsive Business through legislation, representation, oversight, and partnerships. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015-2030, are a set of 17 global goals for development which came after the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With a membership of 30 parliamentarians, the Caucus has representation from all regions of the country. The membership has also spread across substantial House committees that enable us cover a broader scope of SDGs’ work.
Food insecurity, malnutrition and high food prices continue to impact the progress of ensuring the implementation of SDGs. The young children are the most affected as they need more nutrients to grow active and healthy.
Inequalities are widening and the prospect of achieving the #SDGs slipping away. Getting back on track will need the tackling of discrimination. Governments and stakeholders intervention is crucial in the implementation of existing and enactment of new laws in the realization of equality. The Global Goals are for enjoyment of all of us.
Nuclear testing is causing long term damage to the environment and leads to the displacement of people. It also exacerbates the ongoing climate crisis. Therefore, it is imperative that any action geared towards leading humanity into extinction, be stopped with immediate effect.
In September 2017, Parliament of Kenya formed a Caucus on Sustainable Development Goals and Business pursuant to Standing Order number 259.
The Caucus mandate has been to promote Sustainable Development and Responsive Business through legislation, representation, oversight and partnerships and is a registered association with the Registrar of Societies.
Copyright 2024 Kenya Parliamentary cacus on SDGS & Business