On 7th July 2021 the Caucus hosted a County Based Activity in Nairobi, attended by sub-county health officials, derived from Nairobi City County. The objective of the meeting was to assess the situation of mental health in the Capital City, as well as to identify gaps, and develop action areas. The officials were part of an on-going specialized program by the County Government, and Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) to build a Mental Health Psychosocial Support Service Unit (MHPSS).
The Director of Medical Services and NMS Focal Person on Mental Health, Dr. Ouma Oluga, while addressing the session, emphasized on the importance of disseminating mental health services to the whole County.
They also revealed that through various lobby efforts by mental health stakeholders, the Nairobi City County Government had approved the budgetary allocation of Kes. 5 Million, each financial year. Dr. Lucina Koyoo, Deputy Director Policy Plan and Quality Assurance (NMS), Basic Needs Basic Rights, and Child Fund Kenya are some of the stakeholder organizations that played a crucial role.
The county had also begun efforts of mainstreaming mental health services by availing psychiatric and psychological counselling services in some Level IV health facilities in the county. Such services were availed weekly to the community. In addition, the County had established 22 mental health clinics in Level II & III hospitals.
The Caucus organized for a strategy building session held on 22 nd July 2021 with the County Assembly Forum (CAF). The basis of the session was to build synergies between the Caucus, and County-based legislative entities; and to seek the support of CAF in raising awareness and champion mental health issues in all Counties.
The meeting was attended by the Executive Director, the Chairman, and a few Executive Committee Members of CAF. After the deliberations, the Caucus agreed to enter into a partnership with CAF, to championing mental health issues in Counties. CAF also agreed to sensitize County Assemblies, on the importance of allocating mental health budgets, annually.
On 26th July, the Caucus conducted a County Based Activity in Mombasa County. The meeting was attended by the Leader of Majority, Chairperson of Health Committee, Executive Director of CAF, Member of Mombasa County Assembly, representatives for Basic Needs Basic Rights and Caucus Chairperson, Hon. Dr. Gideon Ochanda.
In the deliberations, the Leader of Majority stated that through the pandemic mental health had been a serious issue in Mombasa County, due to substance and drug abuse by a large percentage of youth in the County. The Chairperson of the Health Committee of the Assembly Hon. Kibwana Swaleh Mbai added on that there is need to bring together different stakeholders to raise necessary finances to solve the intensifying mental health issue in Mombasa County.
It was agreed the County should initiate the processes of ring-fencing and allocating funds for mental health in the County’s Budget. Additionally, it was determined that in cooperation with the Caucus, CAF, and the County Assembly, the team would develop a model legislation on Mental Health, for the County. There was also a proposal to conduct rigorous research and develop data on mental health country wide. Mombasa County Assembly agreed to become a working partner of the Caucus.
Our organization truly believes that by working together, we can
save more lives than ever before.
In September 2017, Parliament of Kenya formed a Caucus on Sustainable Development Goals and Business pursuant to Standing Order number 259.
The Caucus mandate has been to promote Sustainable Development and Responsive Business through legislation, representation, oversight and partnerships and is a registered association with the Registrar of Societies.
Copyright 2024 Kenya Parliamentary cacus on SDGS & Business